The Isaiah scroll, which is a part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, contains almost the whole Book of Isaiah. It dates from the 2nd century BCE.
It’s going on ten years now since a new edition of the Scriptures came on the market.
You likely heard of it.
It was called the “100 Minute Bible.” (I am NOT an affiliate marketer.)
The way Yahoo News put it, a clergy man of the Church of England had produced “an ultra-condensed [form] of the Christian holy book which claim[ed] to neatly summarize every teaching from the Creation to the Revelation.”
In less than two hours “would be Christians” could now read the Bible in its entirety.
And it wasn’t surprising that in a day and age of just about instant everything, now we could have a way of becoming instant Bible scholar, too!
But beyond this jab, I wonder if our knee jerk reaction to the latest innovation (especially in the religious arena) doesn’t tend towards the negative and looking down our nose at it?
Of course, there were probably those who said back then, “How could they do such a thing with the Word of God?” or, “It’s a sacrilege to water down the Lord’s book like this” (or maybe even today some might think it?).
And it’s not to say that the 100 Minute Bible was or is perfect.
Since I don’t have a copy of it, I can’t make a judgment one way or the other.
Yet I can talk about the concept which is what I’m doing here.
What about the positive aspects of new innovations (especially in the religious arena)?
What about the positive aspects of having such a Bible version?
Take my brother for example.
He has a hard time reading – he wasn’t good at it in school – let alone reading such a big book like the Bible.
But now I could give him the 100 Minute Bible and he’d have a chance to be exposed to the Gospel like he’d never been in his whole life.
And so I think this innovation was (is) a great idea.
What innovation in the kingdom of God are you looking down your nose upon?
(The Isaiah scroll picture file above in in the public domain: click here.)
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