Journey to the Celestial City #11. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, having entered through the Wicket Gate, he has a conversation with the man, Goodwill. Christian tells him (whose will is good) of his wanderings and then asks if Goodwill can help him off with his burden, to which Goodwill responds, “No,” and points Christian to continue straightway to the house of a man called “the Interpreter.” He will show Christian “excellent things.” And God’s Word is filled with principles for life of the highest order into which the Holy Spirit will enlighten a believer’s heart. “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth.” (John 15:13) More to come in the next blog post. Check back soon. (To read this entire blog post series, scroll down to “Pilgrim’s Progress Series” in the left sidebar.) pp 18-20
On to the Interpreter
September 23, 2008 by