“He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4) Risk taking. Sure there is wisdom in cautiousness and being careful and weighing this and that before we proceed. And prudence requires that we act in just such a way especially when others are involved and relying upon us. But the other side of the coin is that life is really all about taking risks. (Oh, but you already knew that.) And the Christian life is really all about taking risks, too, and after the example of our Lord, the biggest “gambler” (in a good sense) of all. God put everything on the line when He created the world and mankind and allowed our first parents to have the freedom of choice. (Amen?) God took a huge risk. But it was one He was willing to take if it meant that people might have the opportunity to experience His love to the fullest. And so it is with us. We must, following God’s lead, be willing to risk and take risks ~ like telling that person you see all the time about what Jesus means to you. And there are many other ways we can take risks that will put us in a place to enjoy Christ and the abundant life that He has for us. But if we never get out of the boat, how will we ever know? (Now that’s one thing that Peter had right!) I don’t know where you’re at today, but maybe this post is a confirming word to you. Could it be that God’s saying, “Step out,” as regards a certain area? Or could it be God’s saying something else about a risk you’ve recently taken? Think about it: “Even though you’re wondering, ‘What did I do? Was I crazy?’ No. You’re not crazy. That’s exactly what I wanted you to do, saith the Lord.” He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Throwing Caution to the Wind
October 25, 2009 by
Pastor Mike, this one is certainly for me. Ive just posted on it & God has been talking to me about it alot lately so this totally is yet another confirming word. Thank you for posting it.