I was the 2nd baseman on a baseball team called the “Orioles” for three years in Little League Seniors. The last two years we won the championship and missed going undefeated by one game (17-1) in year 3. (God had to keep us humble?!) Probably the most significant memory for me (beyond these) was the “perfect game” my friend pitched. 7 innings, 21 outs, no runs and no hits. What made it even more significant was moi (pronounced “mu-ah”) had to make five different plays on balls hit to him to help secure the feat. One of the plays was on a short liner just over my head into right field. Without thinking I had to scramble with my back to the infield and catch it over my shoulder while diving to the grass. That’s how close we came to losing the perfect game. Now what if I’d rather have been playing shortstop or catcher or left field instead of where I was meant to be? Let’s just say I had gotten caught up in another position instead of my own. After all, it was so much more glamorous to be somebody else on the field as opposed to what I was doing and was best equipped for and the boring place between 1st and 2nd. And it’s not like anyone else couldn’t have made those plays and that catch over the shoulder. But it was designed for me. It was meant for me. I was the one chosen by the manager and coaches to be there that day for whatever was to take place. And just maybe that perfect game would never have happened if I was somewhere else. Quit trying to play a different position in the Body of Christ other than your own. And quit dreaming, “If only I were so-and-so or him or her or over there or doing that.” God didn’t need you there or need another him or her. He needed you. He crafted you to play 2nd base (or wherever you happen to be playing). Now get back out on the field and make that catch. It’s yours to make. And you’ll make it. “I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) It’s always a perfect game when you’re playing your position. \0/
The Perfect Game
April 27, 2010 by