We don’t pray. Let me explain. You see, there’s this big oil spill off the Louisiana coast and, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like we shouldn’t be busy doing everything possible to stop it, but we ought to be praying, too. (Ya think?) I know. I know. There are people who are praying, but not all of us. We do that a lot these days. We say, “You’re in our thoughts and prayers,” but we’re not praying. We’re “just sayin’.” There are some things beyond us, folks. (Hello.) Like oil spills and earthquakes and global warming and out of control spending, etc. I could go on. (And sin. And death. And hell.) We won’t handle it without God. Just try putting toothpaste back in the tube and you’ll understand what I mean.
How Far We’ve Fallen (A Call to Prayer)
May 4, 2010 by