From Bad to Worse (God is Rescuing Us?)

Moses meets God at the Burning Bush. (Exodus 3:1-10) He is then sent to Egypt to rescue the Israelites. In his first meeting with Pharaoh, Moses says, “Let the people go.” (Exodus 5:1) Pharoah’s response? “Okay, Moses. I will do it right now.” No, it isn’t. In reality Pharoah says, “Are you crazy? They’re my workforce.” (Exodus 5:2-5) (In America he would have said, “They’re my tax base / ‘revenue’ source / voting block.”) Pharoah will go on to increase the workload on the Israelites (no straw for brick making). He will have the Jewish foremen beaten. (Exodus 5:6-14) The people’s situation goes from bad to worse. (Exodus 5:15-21) Of course, we know how the story eventually turns out. It is true that sometimes things turn sour when God steps in to bring about deliverance. (Remember the cross?)

As it has to do with America and Americans, we have this strange view (some of us) that just because we prayed, everything is going to change in our country by the time we wake up in the morning ~ no sweat off our brows and no fight. (That’s not how it worked for the Founding Fathers.) Not that I don’t believe in God’s ability to move quickly, but He doesn’t always operate that way. With stubborn wills involved (like Pharoah’s ~ a picture of any godless leader), it can take a little longer and things can get a whole lot tougher before the morning dawns. But the sun/Son always rises ~ and to the occasion. Be hopeful. Jesus Christ is not only in control, He is in charge. We don’t lose. \o/ (Above picture made available under the GNU Free Documentation License: HERE.)

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.