This is the first of a two-part blog post series where I’ll be highlighting three aspects of our Lord as a “dad” especially in Part 2. Here in Part 1 ~ I don’t know what kind of a dad you had. The fact is some of us haven’t had the best of examples leading us while growing up. These “negative influence” types include (as I see it): “Santa” dad, Fidel Castro dad, Invisible Man dad and Bill Clinton dad. “Santa” dad spoils his kids. He buys them everything. They lack discipline. Their wrongdoing is “overlooked.” He’s overly permissive. On the other hand, Fidel Castro dad is a tyrant. His home is run like a military barracks. He’s controlling, authoritative, overbearing. He continually barks out commands. His kids can never live up to his expectations. You cannot approach this dad with a different point of view other than his. It causes kids to live in the shadows. Then there’s Invisible Man dad. You can probably figure this guy out. Abandonment is the word for him. He may not be there because of divorce or something else. Even if he is there, he’s silent or uninvolved or distant. (He’s a workaholic?) Lastly, there’s Bill Clinton dad. (Do I even have to say it?) He’s immoral. He cannot be trusted. His lack of loyalty reinforces distrust in his kids of himself and of everyone else. The bottom line: God the Father is not like any of these “dads.” (Watch for “Father God – Part 2” to come soon.)
Father God – Part 1
July 19, 2010 by
I like this. I’ve noticed when counseling that there often is a dad issue. I was surprised to find a pattern demonstrating that the dad issues were regularly transferred onto God as a “dad” figure.