Is Your Fire Fading?

Blue FlameOn a recent Sunday afternoon my 11-year old daughter asked my wife to come into her room. Once there (and alone) she put on the saddest face and said to her mother, “I think the message (in church) was about me. I think my fire is fading.” (That’s right. She’s just eleven.)

The sermon was on fire. (That could be taken two ways?) It was based on two Scripture verses, Leviticus 6:13 and Matthew 3:11. The first is about the altar fire. Moses was to keep it burning continually. The second is about fire from heaven. Jesus was to give to everyone who believes the Holy Spirit ~ whose actions in our lives are similar to fire’s. Fire consumes. Fire softens and melts (even the hardest heart). Fire also changes. This was the message my daughter heard. This was the message God used to draw her closer to Him ~ and to ignite. (Thank you, Pastor Craig, for preaching it.)

And even the most seasoned of Christians can become dull. (Is it you?) And their fire flickers and fades to glowing embers and eventually just smoke (and mirrors?). Puff. Do you need to get the fire back? It’s pretty easy if you want to. Return to “first love.” (Revelation 2:4) (flickr picture by bufivla)

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. I seriously need to get here more often. Thanks for an insightful post, that I believe was directed squarely at me. God does this.

  2. Johnathan Knop says

    I think the problem is that people’s “fire” is based on emotion. If so, then of course it is up and down. The alternative is to base one’s relationship with Jesus on discipline. Even if I get weary sometimes, discipline of discipling others and Quiet Times quickly get me back on track. We are saved by Grace, but called to have self discipline.