Great is Thy Faithfulness

The brakes were gone. How could this be? She’d just finished a 1,500-foot mountain grade descent. The “she” was my 19-year old daughter.

And I am writing this today to glorify God and recognize His great faithfulness to us and in our lives.

It was a little after five o’clock (approximately the time of the mountain grade descent) that I remember something unusual happening. I was playfully tickling my other daughter (she’s 11) and for some reason I was quoting Psalm 23 to her out loud starting with verse one: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” And I had the strange urge to continue quoting. Isn’t that weird? But I don’t usually do that is what I’m trying to say. I don’t usually quote (and I would go on to quote) the entirety of Psalm 23 to my 11-year old daughter at just after five o’clock in the afternoon while playfully tickling her.

I mean, it was every single verse!

Don’t miss the “daughter” part, the “timing” part (again, it was about the same time my 19-year old was coming down the grade) and what I’m convinced the Lord spoke to me about the next day regarding the whole situation.

I was praying Psalm 23 is what I was doing. I was praying the Scripture out loud to my one daughter, but it was really for my other daughter who was losing her brakes at just about the same exact time. I think you’re hearing what I’m trying to say.

This is the God we serve. (I am tearful now.) He is a great and faithful God. He is greatly to be praised. (Oh, and by the way, my daughter was somehow able to stop her car.)

“For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91:11)

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. This same scenario happened to me – I lost the brakes in my car with my family inside and swerved out of the way just in the nick of time and all was well.

    The difference for us is we are what religious people call atheists. Why was I “saved?”

  2. I had a similar situation, only I ran out of gas under a bridge on a very busy high speed road in a sub-compact vehicle. I prayed as I was in danger ans I was able to start the car drive it up the hill and then park it on the shoulder. At that point, two Christians stopped and took me to get gas. Praise God for sending his angels.

  3. Well Fred. Perhaps it was because God loves you and is on your side whether you like it or not or know it or not. He loves you and each individual member of your family.

    I was raised up to think of God as a cosmic cop ready to pull a billy club out each time I misbehaved. Not true.

    When I finally learned and believed that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead and is STILL alive (he did not die again) I asked him to touch me. I asked him to show me he was real and to come into my heart. He did!

    Perhaps one advantage I had in receiving him is that I had never been approached by some jerk calling himself a Christian and getting in my face about it. I did not have a bad opinion about Christians because I didn’t know any. – Even so I’m not asking you to become a jerk or start acting like ‘other Christians’ you may know. Instead I’m asking you to take a journey to seek and find if God is real or not. – It is said that ‘religion’ is man reaching up for God while ‘true Christianity’ is God reaching down for man. He did this through Jesus. He seeks relationships with us.

    I’ve found that often times people have a bad opinion of Christians yet appreciate Jesus and the things he did while on earth. They then allow the bad opinion of Christians to interfere with having any relationship with Jesus or even learning more about him.

    It all hinges on the resurrection.

    Since he rose again, is still alive, then he can hear you if you call on him. YOU can ask him and find if he is real or not. Try reading the book of John chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17. –

    One more thing. Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.” – Is it a good thing to have joy in ones heart? God thinks so.

  4. I love this, Mike, God directly intervening to show His faithfulness and to reassure you that He was watching.