Sometimes you just need to worship because… (10 reasons)

This post (and the list below) is really born out of a heavy heart. I won’t explain the heaviness other than to say that heaviness can sometimes last for a long time. In steps “worship.” We can’t see the forest for the trees sometimes. Especially during hardship. (Has it ever happened to you?) Worship lifts us out of the trees. (That’s why worship is there. That’s what worship is for.) We gaze upon the “trees” and the forest Maker (Christ) and we are helped. Is your heart heavy (like mine)? You know what to do. \o/

Sometimes you just need to worship because…
(Feel free to tweet these on twitter if you like)

1. It’s the beginning of a new day. \o/

2. It’s the start of a new life (the birth of a baby). \o/

3. You know the grace of forgiveness. \o/

4. You’re joyful due to a relationship with God. \o/

5. You’re happy over a loved one rescued (from sin). \o/

6. You’re experiencing relief from a hardship. \o/

7. Your body has been healed. \o/

8. It’s the close of a good day’s work. \o/

9. It’s the end of a life lived well. \o/

10. Your heart is heavy. \o/

“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” (Psalm 42:5)

(Please add your “Sometimes you just need to worship because…” reason/reasons in the comment section below.)

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. Sometimes you just need to worship so that you can “praise the hurt away”

    Other times – we sing just because we are happy! We know where our joy comes from…even through the tears.

    Thanks for this wonderful post!

  2. Because in a heavy heart we sometimes get a glimpse of ourselves as the spiritual beings we really are

  3. Sometimes you just need worship because you need to keep the devil away.

  4. I am so sorry your heart is heavy. These are times when we need to experience that intimate closeness of the Lord. And praise does it, for He lives in our praises! Saying a prayer for you. Blessings to you!

  5. \o/ amen 🙂

  6. Anonymous says

    There’s nothing…and I mean nothing..left to do…

  7. Worship and service cannot be isolated, but rather they must be integrated. Sometime we are able to bare the burden of our own heavy heart and heartaches by helping those around us with theirs.

  8. Just like so much of the music out thee says… Praise Him in this storm!! Every storm!! Yet, so many only come to and praise Jesus in hard times–when He is the One to praise in our amazing times too… All times! He knows us, and His plans for us!! And none is for tragedy.. All is for His Good plans of you to come. When we struggle in the middle, and hear temptations more than all His blessings and plans-we are in deep need to get a deep, much deeper focus on Christ!! I’ve been thru so much. If w/o Him during all, i’d be a mess today. But His timing is perfect.
    Prayer to Jesus is the answer for everything!
    In prayer for you all!!! Much love thru Him!!

    In His Love,

    Heather Siebens. (Hetty. @AliveinMe )