7 Points on Spiritual Warfare (plus 3 bonus points)

“Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep.” (2 Corinthians 11:24-25)

If you’ve been a believer in Jesus Christ for very long, you’ve come under the attack of the evil one. You’ve faced spiritual warfare! (Amen?) It’s only natural (supernatural) because you are a threat to the enemy. You (and the message you carry) are able to free people who are under Satan’s rule and ownership. (And he doesn’t much like that.)

I was in a street boxing match in the front yard of a friend’s house with others watching. I was getting in some good punches (if I say so myself). I was holding my own. That’s when it hit me out of nowhere~Pow! A left hook (from a lefty). And I was down. Everyone was stunned. (Me the most.) The truth be told: I never trained for that fight. I never prepared myself. I just put on the gloves one day, got in the “ring” and started swinging. (Wiiiiiiish. Woooooosh.) It wasn’t enough. That’s why I lost. That’s why I got beat. And so it is in the spiritual realm. It isn’t enough to just put on the gloves one day. We must become disciplined/equipped or we just won’t last quite frankly. (Luke 22:31-32)

It is to this end that I’ve come up with the following 7 points on spiritual warfare. It was first broadcast on Twitter in 7 tweets (a “tweetcast” ~ each is 140 characters or less). So if any of you got the chance to already see it, I’ve added 3 bonus points you won’t want to miss at the end.

And so here we go with…

7 points on Spiritual Warfare (plus 3 bonus points):
(feel free to tweet these yourself if you like)

1.Satan’s attack is no greater now than it was b4.Ur just “aware” of it.He’s always hell-bent on ur destruction #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast

2. Put on the full armor of God. Eph 6 U need 2 speak it out over ur family. If ur the husband/dad, take charge #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast

3. The devil will try to confuse the mind. Christ will speak 2 ur heart. Discern the difference between the 2 #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast

4. Turn from sin or u will b crushed. (ie. Peter) U must choose righteousness.Not perfection, but direction \o/ #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast

5.Worship is a #1 tool in combating Satan. Sing,shout,praise,adore,laud,exalt&bless the name of Jesus #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast #Tworship

6. The Roman shield could b connected 2 another shield & another.Combine ur faith w/others.Stand firm #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast #Tworship

Big, big point next in the “Spiritual Warfare” #tweetcast (number 7)…

7.Finally,don’t forget: Greater is He (theHolySpirit) who is in u than he (thedevil) who is in the world.1Jn4:4 #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast


8.Many a great preacher has been put in the fetal position.All vulnerable.(Elijah ran from Jezebel~1 Kgs 18-19) #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast

9.Partner up! If 1 can overpower him who is alone,2 can resist.A cord of 3…is not quickly torn apart.Eccl4:12 #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast

10.Apply Christ’s instructions in ur life 4 victory Matt 4:4 But prove yourselves doers of the word James 1:22a #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. Just what I needed I am definetly going to share this with others. God Bless you!

  2. Thanks 4 d tips.

  3. Amen,tk u so much4this wrd..We def nd these reminders!

  4. I will meditate and daily apply these teachings in my walk with the Lord ! Thanks pastor Mike. Good to be taught and shared. Blessing’s, Jennifer