I was a children’s and Junior High youth pastor at the time. I was listening to K-LOVE radio there in the Bay Area at Mission Springs Community Church (Fremont, California) in 1994 or so. They were giving tickets away to a Christian concert for the caller that called in with the answer to the question: “Who was Noah’s oldest son?” (Before reading on, see if you can research it.) Well of course, I knew the answer, but everybody calling the show didn’t. So after about 10 minutes I decided to call, gave the answer and won the tickets. (Isn’t that cool?)
The story gets even better. You see, the phone would ring not too long after that. And it just so happened that it was one of the primary deacons of the church who oversaw the finances. He’d heard me on the radio. He was never subtle. He said, “Mike, I thought you were working.” I said, “Well, you see, Roy, I was, but then I… I…” (Oops) My wife and I would go on to enjoy the concert. đ (And btw, the answer to who was Noah’s oldest son? Shem, Ham or Japheth? Answer: Genesis 10:21. Make sure you read it in the New International Version.)
Why would I read a transliteration that does not accurately reflect the record ?