I’ve been invited by my church to help establish their social media presence. I said, “Who me? What do I know?” đ Not really. Actually, they had no idea what I had going online with a blog and Twitter following and friend page on Facebook (along with a number of other outpost sites). What I didn’t have yet was a Facebook business, “Like” page (as they’re called now). And so I’ve just recently set out to establish one. It’s named: “A Heart For God Ministries.” (To “Like” it, click here or the button above left. The first 200 “Likes” are entered into a surprise drawing. I am offering to create a fan-only reveal tab for FREE on your personal Facebook business, ministry, “Like” page. Deal?)
And I must say it’s been really quite fascinating (exhilarating) starting out from scratch again as a “newbie” and learning the ropes. And trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t work, etc. And to plan, plan, plan and stiff arm the urge to hurry up and launch without laying any ground work. (There’s a lot behind that last statement.) Facebook is definitely different than other social media sites. (Is that an “Amen” I just heard?) For one thing you have to work harder at it than Twitter. That’s actually why some of the “gurus” steer clear.
With this in mind I’ve developed an approach to Facebook based on the acronym: F-A-C-E-B-O-O-K. It’s meant for believers in Jesus Christ to consider as a launching point for their own use of Facebook and especially to reach out and share the love of God with the online community. (I will be using it for training at my church.)
And so here we go with the acronym…
F-a-c-e-b-o-o-k (an approach to sharing the love of God):
- F-un (Have it!). Self explanatory. No Scrooges/policemen allowed. đ
- A-ltar your thinking. Go to God. See what He wants you to do.
- C-reate buzz. Offer an incentive. Give people a reason to “Like” your page.
- E-xalt the Lord! Jesus said if He was lifted up, He would draw all men (and women) to Himself. (John 12:32) Lift up Christ!
- B-log (and video blog), too. Write about spiritual stuff (or put it in a video). Then post links as status updates.
- O-rganize team. Share the load with others. Delegate tasks (site management, posting updates ~ manual and auto, “Liking” other sites and commenting, etc).
- O-rganize time. Set a time (preferably daily) limit. When the time is up, you’re done.
- K-indle relationships. Be a friend. Offer a listening ear and shoulder to lean on just like in offline ministry.
Of course, there’s much more development and training that comes beyond the surface of these. They’re just the tip of the iceberg. (Hire me and I can consult with your church?!)
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