Witness Before A King – Part 1

“And Agrippa said to Paul, ‘You are permitted to speak for yourself.’ Then Paul stretched out his hand and proceeded to make his defense.” (Acts 26:1)

I want to talk to you about sharing your faith / the love of Jesus in what’ll be a two-part blog post series. I’m going to be offering ten key truths gleaned from the story of the Apostle Paul’s testimony before King Agrippa in Acts 26.


Paul has been on trial for preaching the gospel before Felix the governor. (Acts 24) A decision is put off on Paul’s case as Paul is made to stay in custody for some two years until Felix is succeeded by Festus. (Acts 24:27) It is by Festus’ action that Paul eventually appears before the king.

Truth #1: You just never know who God will bring you before to witness to and as you remain faithful and open to do it.

Who would have thought @aheartforgod would speak at a 140 Characters / Twitter Conference streamed “live” to the entire planet? God thought it! (To watch video, click here.)

Who are some of the interesting people God has allowed you to share with?


Paul is given permission to speak by the king. (Acts 26:1) Would he have been allowed if he was obnoxious. Some Christians are obnoxious. (I’m just being frank.) Know anybody like that?

Truth #2: If we would be heard, we must be civil and treat people with respect and as adults.

Paul talks with Agrippa in a polite manner. (Acts 26:2-3) This is not “buttering up” or flattery on the part of Paul. He asks the king to have patience. It is likely that Paul’s sermon here was much longer than Luke records. Paul notes Agrippa’s background as regards “all customs and questions among the Jews.”

Truth #3: We must capitalize on what is familiar to the hearer when sharing our faith.

For example, when speaking with a Catholic (I was raised in the Catholic Church and actually gave my heart to Jesus as a Catholic), play off / capitalize on his or her propensity towards religiousness and go from there.


Paul begins his message highlighting his upbringing.

Truth #4: It is a good approach to witnessing to emphasize who you were before you got saved.

What one thing characterized your life before you came to Christ?

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.