My kids are almost all grown now. I remember when I used to hold them in my arms (back in the day). I would carry them around (dads, isn’t it true?) and wherever it might be. As they got bigger (and heavier), it would hurt my back. đ
I would hold my kids in my arms in the store. (Not all three of them at once although they would want that.) I would hold my kids in my arms at the park. I would hold my kids in my arms at the pool. I would hold my kids in my arms in the rain and snow. (That’s Theresa 12 years ago in the pictures. Click to enlarge. I still call her: “Baby boo.” She looks at me quizzically.)
I would hold my kids in my arms at church, at home, when they went to bed, when they had a bad dream, in the day or night, in the front yard or back, when they got hurt, were scared, when their mom was gone from home, when they were happy, sad, felt danger or despair.
I would hold my kids in my arms.
God holds you in His arms, too. (Who needed to hear it?) Let it sink in. #Godislove
“‘I have loved you with an everlasting love.'” (Jeremiah 31:3b)
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Jesus did hold me in His arms in a dream I had a few years ago. I was going through a painful break-up and my heart was torn apart. Jesus knew my pain. One night after worship & prayer I went to bed. In my dream, I was laying down on my bed sleeping. I was awaken by footsteps. I sat on my bed & saw Jesus through the window of a hallway walking toward my bedroom. He came in. I didn’t move from my bed. He, then, picked me up like a child & started rocking me. He was walking around my bedroom rocking me. I put my head on His chest. He didn’t speak a word, neither did I, no words were needed, He was consoling me. After a while, He laid me back on my bed, tucked me in & left. This dream was so very real! Jesus came down from His throne in heaven, took time to visit me, what an awesome God we serve! He is my Rock!!! Amen!
does God hold me in his hands even though I’ve stopped going to church and stopped reading his word? i trust in him enough to help me fight through this phase in my life. does he still hold me in his hands?
hey anonymous, God doesn’t love you based on if you read the Bible or if you go to church. His love is based on the cross. Jesus paid every ounce of punishment and went even further than that. He not only took away our punishment and sin, but He also gave us His own righteousness. Isn’t that amazing! Therefore God simply doesn’t “tolerate” you because you do “stuff”, He loves you unconditionally because of “stuff” (Jesus’ perfect life and death) Someone else did for you. Thats truly amazing. And believe me friend, I struggle with this daily too. Our pride tries to tell us that God requires us that we act “holy
once we are saved…after all. look what He has done for us. But thats not the key, the key is growing in Who He is and what He has done for us! Thats what produces real obedience. Its so amazing because now we don’t have to look at how we feel anymore because God has declared a new truth about us. Your heart will tell you to preform for the Almighty God, but the Bible says that performance was already satisfied by the Savior my friend. I would encourage you to continue to get back into the Word so you can see the things God in CHrist has already done for you and what He now thinks and feels for you because of what has already been done… He truly is an amazing God