Top 10 Excuses For Not Going To Church (tweetcast)

This was a quick list I put together off the top of my head on a Sunday recently before church. The way it looked as I tweeted it on Twitter is below ~ including the hashtags.

Hashtags are a way of bookmarking on Twitter (in case you didn’t know). And so if you wanted to search a particular conversation, subject, whatever, you could type a hashtag in the Twitter search box and ~ voila! ~ everything tweeted with that hashtag will appear no matter if you’re following somebody or not. (To make any word into a hashtag just add the “#” symbol.)

I came up with the tweetcast idea and hashtag a while ago (kind of like a radio or television broadcast). I’ve found it’s a great way to challenge and teach online. (Teaching is what I do.) Combine it (the hashtag approach) with whatever subject matter you’re teaching and it works quite well to pull up later. (Another example is my #HopeForTheHolidays #tweetcast I did last Christmas season. I will do it again this year.)

You may want to post the following tweets yourself. (It’s okay.) You could give me credit by adding the hashtag: #aheartforgod if you like. See how it works?! 🙂

Top 10 Excuses For Not Going To Church:

Excuse 1: Too tired #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 2: Don’t want to miss football #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 3: I’ll get right with God on another day #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 4: The preacher’s boring #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 5: Church is for sissys #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 6: What will my friends think? #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 7: The service goes too long #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 8: I’ve got more important things to do #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 9: I’m okay without it #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

Excuse 10: I don’t need Jesus #top10excuses4notgoing2church #tweetcast

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. Hi, Mike! I like this. I addressed some of these same issues in a series of columns I wrote for a Cincinnati area weekly newspaper back in 2007. They’re called “Letters to My Non-Churchgoing Friends.” Here’s a link to all the columns:

    Thanks for your great witness for Christ!

  2. Many people go to church looking for a true friend thinking Christians won’t be mean or judge them for being poorer or not having the latest so called fashions or a nice truck/car.. sadly many Christians act like that .. why would anyone want to put them selfs thru that .. when Christians act like the Christ Followers they claim to be more people will go back to church including me

  3. Anonymous says

    What a sad truth that Anonymous brings up, however please know that Christians are human just like you and they stumble and dont always act the way they should. We sin and mess up a lot. The Christian chooses to continue striving though and trying to be better. Dont look to other Christians as the example b/c you will be let down, instead look to God. My hope can not be built on the Christ follower because the Christian is imperfect. Instead your hope should be built on Jesus because he is perfect and wont let you down as some of the christ followers that you have encountered have. Just know we are not all bad and we are all trying to get to the same place. I hope that you make your way back to church eventually and not go there and judge how good is the christ follower, instead how can you become more like Christ.

  4. Life is Jehovahs test to us humans to see who Will Follow his commands. Righteously No room for Use/abuse , nor Sly deceitful coruption… No room for Trickery nor Confusion leaving room for pure b/s. I’m just saying..Part of his Grand design¡ Re: Thinking outside our Own Box Come on peeps~Joy Frycek #heartofgod NO LIES¡