My “MO” and How I Use Twitter (redux)

(To read the original post, click here.) My online “mo” is blogging (now it is).

I think it’s important to have an “mo” (method of operation). It keeps you from becoming sidetracked. It’s so easy to become sidetracked with social media. (Have you noticed?) It’s so easy to become sidetracked with Twitter especially.

There are so many voices out there telling you how much time to spend, how many tweets to send (that rhymes), what you can and can not do, even chastising you when you don’t obey the “rules.” (Yes, even I’ve been blasted.) The bottom line: I stick to my “mo.”

I especially use Twitter to promote my blog and vlog posts. I engage in conversation, too. I spend time listening, too. I follow others and promote others, too. I tweet news articles, songs, Bible verses and a little politics, also. But that doesn’t consume the bulk of my time. The bulk of my time is spent producing (or at least trying to produce) good content. If you produce good content the thinking is: “they will come” (to coin a phrase). It seems to have worked.

The recent Easter/Holy Week numbers for @aheartforgod’s posts totaled 6,162 views. That’s 880 a day, 37 an hour ~ and from all over the world. (See maps in right sidebar.) How do I keep count? I add up youtube views (over 3,000 Easter/Holy Week due to the Last Sayings of Jesus series), views (where most of my vlog traffic comes from – going on 230,000) and the number of visits from a simple counter at the bottom of

So what’s your method of operation? How do you use Twitter? Are you able to measure success? I hope this brief look at my “mo” helps to enhance yours.

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.