Trap 5 Christians Fall Into: Becoming Overly Concerned About the Future

(This is the fifth in a series entitled: “8 Traps Christians Fall Into.”)


Now if ever there were a day where not falling into this particular trap would be a challenge for believers, it would be our day. Wouldn’t you agree? Just look at the world around you. Everything is coming apart at the seams. And aside from events in the Middle East, just the deterioration of society is of major concern. Amen? It can cause much anxiety and raise questions about the future. (For sure.) What will it be like for our kids (or grand kids or great grand kids)? Will they have to wear bullet-proof vests jus to go to school (and church, too)?

And then there’s the health issue. All of us are concerned with health. Why? Because we want to be around for the long haul. We want to live a long life. So we’re exercising more and watching what we eat. And this eating area is a funny one. Because if you wait long enough, a particular food item will go from not being good for you to being good for you depending on the scientific study done. Isn’t it true?

So we’re exercising more and watching what we eat (especially in America) and some people to the point that it’s an obsession. These are so concerned about their health that they, quite frankly, miss out on life whether it be because they exercise too much or they don’t ever allow themselves the freedom to enjoy some of the more (how should I say it?) “delightful foods” due to the higher calorie content. Yeah, I’m one who believes it’s okay to have a piece of cake once and awhile. It’s excess that’s the problem.

So health is another area that people cna become overly concerned about ~ even Christians.

And I guess we could just about become overly concerned about anything ~ like who might marry a daughter ~ now that’s something that a dad might become overwhelmed with (and a mom, too!).

Then there’s retirement. How much money does one need to put away? Will Social Security still be around? And on and on. There are just a lot of things we can become worried over.

And yet I want to remind you that if we become worried ~ if we become anxious or overly concerned about anything, then we’ve fallen into a trap. It’s a trap the devil wants us to remain in and one God wants us free of.

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About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.