Andrea di Bartolo, Way to Calvary, c. 1400. The cluster of halos at the left are the Virgin Mary in front, with the Three Marys.
This is the third in a series of blog posts in the Men of Christmas online Bible study where we are considering three men who play key roles in the story of Christmas.
These blog posts are meant as an introduction and supplement to the main chat that takes place on Twitter on consecutive Monday nights, December 2, 9 and 16 from 7:00-8:00 pm PST USA under the hashtag: #MenofChristmas.
The third of the men of Christmas that we are looking at is Simeon. He is the man that God promises will not die before he sees “the Lord’s Christ.” (Luke 2:26)
The story of Simeon is found in Luke 2:25-35. (And you’ll want to make sure to read those verses to be ready for chat.)
This passage in Luke 2 of our Lord’s presentation in the temple happens some 6 weeks after His birth. And when you compare it to the Magi part of the Christmas story which is approximately 2 years afterwards, how much more is the episode of Simeon part of the story of Christ being born if the 3 Wise Men are! (To read: “Wise Men Myths and Why We Sometimes Believe Things That Are Simply Not True,” click here.)
There are a number of unique character traits and qualities of Simeon that put him in the place where, not only is he able to be used by God and experience God in a significant way that others could only dream about, but Simeon’s also granted insight into God’s plan that others aren’t privy to (don’t have) because of his unique character traits and qualities.
And I’m of the opinion that even Christ’s own parents don’t have the insight that Simeon has in our text. And Mary and Joseph themselves just might not have been completely clear on the things that Simeon comes to realize and understand about their Boy and how there lives will be impacted ~ especially Mary’s!
Thus Simeon is used of God to clarify these things to Mary and Joseph as we see it happens in the passage. (Luke 2:32, 34-35)
And I want to jump now to this insight of Simeon as regards and in relation to Mary and the affects that Jesus’ life will have upon her personally.
Simeon speaks to Mary two things and again as he’s granted insight into God’s plan that others don’t have.
And as Simeon has seen the Lord’s Christ and is holding Him there in his arms. (Luke 2:28). And speaking in v. 34 now, Simeon says…
“Behold, this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed.” (Luke 2:34)
My Wycliffe Commentary develops it this way: “Jesus was not just one more Jewish child, but was pivotal for faith. Those who believed in him rose to new heights (“this Child is appointed for the … rise of many in Israel”); those who rejected him (Jesus) fell into darker despair (“this Child is appointed for the fall … of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed”).” (Wycliffe 2033)
Are you believing in Him? Or are you rejecting Him?
So this is the first thing that Simeon says to Mary and it just may be enlightening to her beyond what was her knowledge to this point (and Joseph, too!).
Which brings us to the second thing now in v. 35 that Simeon says to Mary…
“[A]nd a sword will pierce even your own soul ~ [A]nd a sword will pierce even your own soul ~ to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.” (Luke 2:35)
And could it be that Simeon is speaking here of Christ’s cross and the sorrow and pain that Christ’s mother will ultimately endure as she will view the horrible event herself? (John 19:25a) It’s not too much of a stretch to think it.
Thus concludes this introduction and supplement to Men of Christmas Bible Study 3.
Hope to see you at chat.
(Way to Calvary picture above is in the public domain: click here. PD-US)