Men Jesus Called: Andrew and Philip

Andrew and Philip (Men Jesus Called – Part 4) by Mike Campagna on Vimeo.

This is supplement #4 to the Bible study: “Men Jesus Called.”

And so why are you in this thing called “Christianity,” anyway?

John the Baptist sees Jesus walking by and declares: “Here is the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36; CEV). Andrew hears John’s words and goes after the Lord. Upon seeing this, Jesus turns to Andrew and asks, “What do you want?” Andrew, along with another, answers, “Rabbi, where do you live?” Jesus replies, “Come and see!” The Bible says Andrew, and one of the Sons of Thunder, John, scholars believe, end up staying with Christ for the rest of that day.

And it’s interesting that Jesus asks Andrew what he wants (another translation has it, “What do you seek? – NAS).

And it’s an important question. There are just a whole lot of different motives and reasons why people go after Jesus, become part of the Body of Christ, attend church.

For some it’s because they’re in need of relationships and so the social aspect is their motive and reason.

For others they’re looking for attention and to be upfront and seen and so vanity is their motive and reason.

Still others are control freaks and see a chance for domination and manipulation. It really is some people’s motive and reason for following the Lord.

In contrast, Andrew’s motive and reason is different than these. He’s following and wants to be a follower and it’s because of two things: #1 – he wants to learn of Christ; and #2 – he wants to submit to Christ’s agenda.

“Rabbi (Andrew says), where do you live?” Rabbi means Teacher. In addressing Jesus in this way Andrew is acknowledging his desire for instruction. Anyone who would follow the Lord must be open to His teachings. You can not be a Christ follower unless you are ready to receive His words.

“Rabbi (Andrew says), where do you live?”

And now on to the “Where do you live?” part.

In asking this Andrew is demonstrating his set of priorities. Andrew’s plans are on hold. He’s open to what Jesus’s plans are. Wherever Jesus “lives,” that’s what Andrew’s interested in. He doesn’t try to get Jesus to go his way. Andrew wants to go Jesus’ way.

Anyone who would follow the Lord must set aside his own agenda. You can not be a Christ follower unless you are ready to go where He wants you to go and do what He wants you to do.

And so, again, why are you in this thing called “Christianity,” anyway?

Andrew and Philip

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.