Here are some popular tweets you may have missed from the A Heart For God Twitter site…
God, there are some tough things in my life today. I need Your strength. Please help me. Amen. #Jesus #Tworship
— aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) June 29, 2014
Make sure you have somebody in your life that doesn't just tell you what you want to hear, but also tells you what you need to hear.
— aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) June 29, 2014
Following Jesus doesn't guarantee we will not go through pain, but it does guarantee we will have peace in the midst of it. #Tworship
— aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) June 28, 2014
You won't always feel like God loves you, but you don't go by feelings. You go by faith. #Tworship #HeartChat
— aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) June 28, 2014