Lightning fast read meant to make you think…
10 Mistakes People Make with Submission (plus 1 bonus):
1. Think it’s just for wives or women in general (men are to “submit,” too). (Hebrews 13:17; NIV)
2. Think it’s a subjugating (enslaving) of women, a diminishing of their gender, position and role.
3. Overlook that submission is used in the Bible in the context of marriage. (1 Peter 3:1, 5; Colossians 3:18-19; Ephesians 5:22-33)
4. Overlook that it’s really what obedience to God is all about. (Genesis 22:10-12; Philippians 2:10-12)
5. Use submission as a means of enslaving millions of people (Islam).
6. Use submission as a form of control/manipulation in the Christian church.
7. Forget that “to submit” means to offer insight, advice, an opinion / thought, but then ultimately the one on whom authority rests makes the decision, right or wrong, and, with the decision, bears the greater responsibility (e.g. Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit). (Genesis 3:6)
8. Miss that submission (to God) is the first step in overcoming / defeating the devil. (James 4:7)
9. Say it is a biblical mandate prohibiting women from teaching, preaching roles in the church ~ wrong (read here). (1 Timothy 2:11)
10. Overlook that there is a level of mutual submission, one to another, brother to brother, brother to sister, sister to sister, sister to brother for believers in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:21)
BONUS Misconstrue Scripture as promoting / condoning slavery via the submission exhortation (slavery is never God’s will, but to deal with it at that moment in history would have been socially catastrophic). (1 Peter 2:18)
(Depiction of the original sin by Pieter Paul Rubens picture file above is in the public domain: click here.)
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