(click image to enlarge, then in new browser tab or window click again)
7 Keys to Your Podcasting Success:
1. P-ick a way to record. The iTalk app on the iPad works great. An inexpensive mic is okay, too.
2. O-rganize thoughts. Write a script and practice it (say it our loud). Uses pauses for effect.
3. D-on’t be a perfectionist. Nobody’s perfect. If you wait to be, you will never podcast.
4. C-onsider your length. People’s attention spans are short. If you have a lot to say, turn it into a series.
5. A-dapt other content. Grab a blog post you’ve written and turn it into a podcast.
6. S-peak with a smile. When you talk while smiling, it helps create an upbeat recording.
7. T-ake it to the web. Upload to the Dropbox Public Folder, then share link via social media.
(Infographic courtesy of Sugar Pine Realty. To view the original, click here.)