Pastor Mike here with six women and five lessons.
Woman #1 is Mrs. Job.
Then [Job’s wife] said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!” (Job 2:9)
And the lesson is:
Sometimes you lose it when you lose it all.
Woman #2 is Hagar, Abraham’s wife, Sarah’s maid.
And [Abraham] went in to Hagar, and she conceived. (Genesis 16:4a)
And the lesson is:
Even the most spiritual people can get you to do sinful things.
Woman #3 is Lot’s wife.
But [Mrs. Lot], from behind him (her husband), looked back [at Sodom and Gomorrah]; and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26)
And the lesson is:
It’s not enough to get the person out of the sin environment.
You need to get the sin environment out of the person.
Woman #4 is the poor widow.
And He (Jesus) sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large sums.
A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent.
Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor woman put in more than all the contributors to the treasury.” (Mark 12:41-43)
And the lesson is:
The person who gives out of need gives more than the person who gives out of surplus.
And finally, Woman #5 and 6 are Euodia and Syntyche.
I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to live in harmony in the Lord. (Philippians 4:2)
And the lesson is:
It’s not always friction-free between believers in Jesus, but it ought not to stay that way.