(click on each picture to open up in a new tab)
San Francisco Airport
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC
Michael at the White House
Washington Monument
Michael and Kelly at the Washington Monument
Flags below Washington Monument
Looking to the White House from the Washington Monument
Looking to the Lincoln Memorial from the Washington Monument (approximately 1 mile away)
World War II Memorial
Kelly and Michael at World War II Memorial
General Douglas MacArthur Quote
President Harry S Truman Quote
Walk to the Lincoln Memorial
Kelly at the Lincoln Memorial
Michael (with umbrella) at Lincoln Memorial
Michael walking up the stairs to the Lincoln Memorial
Michael and Kelly meet President Lincoln
Quiet in the presence of greatness
Looking back to the Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial (Capitol Building in the background)
Goodbye, Honest Abe
Korean War Memorial
Korean War Memorial
Crossing Constitution Avenue on our way to a break at Starbucks!
Kelly at the Vietnam Memorial Wall (Michael in the background)
Looking back at the Vietnam Memorial Wall
Capitol Dome in the distance (a peek before Ford’s Theatre)
Ford’s Theatre (where President Lincoln was assassinated)
Kelly and Michael across from Lincoln’s box
Kelly with the President
Plaque outside the house where Lincoln died
Where Mary Lincoln waited in between visits to her husband
Bed where Lincoln died
About the room where Lincoln died
Reward for the murderer
Thank you for saving the Union, Mr President
Madame Tussauds (across from Ford’s Theatre)
Marilyn Monroe
Michael Jackson (Is that Dad in the reflection?)
Tour Bus
On to the Capitol
Kelly about to have her dream come true (see the Capitol)
Getting closer to the Capitol
Michael and Kelly crossing the street
Almost there
There it is!
Capitol Stairs
Looking back from the Capitol to the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial
Inside the Capitol Crypt
Hall of Statues
Hall of Statues
Rosa Parks
Supreme Court