Christianity in America by Dr. Daniel Van Voorhis

Lesson #1 – Introduction and Puritans in the New World

Christianity in America (Lesson # 1) "Introduction and Puritans in the New World" from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

Lesson #2 – Rationalism and Revivalism in the 1700s

Christianity in America (Lesson # 2) "Rationalism and Revivalism in the 1700's" from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

Lesson #3 – The 19th Century: Romantics and Radicals

Christianity in America (Lesson # 3) "The 19th Century: Romantics and Radicals" from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

Lesson #4 – The Rise of Fundamentalism

Christianity in America (Lesson # 4) "The Rise of Fundamentalism" from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

Lesson #5 – Fundamentalism and Modernism in the Early 20th Century

Christianity in America (Lesson # 5) "Fundamentalism" and "Modernism" in the early 20th c. from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

Lesson #6 – The Gospel on the Airwaves

Christianity in America (Lesson # 6) "The Gospel on the Airwaves" from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

Lesson #7 – Christ and Culture – West Coast Christianity

Christianity in America (Lesson # 7) "Christ and Culture – West Coast Christianity" from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

Lesson # 8 – Where Are We and How Did we Get Here?

Christianity in America (Lesson # 8) "Where are We and How Did We Get Here?" Musings on the "Mega" and "Emergent" from Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo.

(To view all teachings on their original site, click here.)

Mary and Jesus

(Mary and Jesus via pxhere)

About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.