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Todd Friel: “When Jesus was talking to Nicodemus and He asked Nicodemus, ‘What does your heart say?,’ um, no. Let’s just talk about this. First of all, that’s not in the Bible. Remember, this speech that we see from Jesus and the disciples and all the characters, most of it, not all of it, most of it is not in the Bible. Furthermore, the Bible does talk about the heart. And the last thing that we want to follow is our emotions. We don’t follow our heart. That is Disney language. That is not biblical language. So it is, it is very difficult to imagine that Jesus would ask Nicodemus to follow his heart when his heart is deceitful and wicked above all things, who can know it? Jesus wouldn’t contradict Himself in His word. And so you want to be pointing these things out so that your kids don’t just accept it.”