The Real Reason Why Some Christians Won’t Vote for a Mormon (when they should)

(The “should” part in the title is if God is telling you to ~ not me.) Here’s the deal. There are Christians who will not vote, under any circumstances, for Mitt Romney for President. Their thinking? If they vote for a Mormon, then they are condoning, supporting Mormonism or worse ~ promoting, trumpeting it. This […]

Why My Pastor is Voting for Mitt Romney (and not Barack Obama)

You may be surprised that a Christian minister would actually come out and say it. (Why not? He’s an American, too.) And to vote for a Mormon? Isn’t Mormonism a cult after all? Yes, it is.  And he (my Pastor) makes that very clear. But here are the facts. You can choose to believe them […]

About “Fixes” (Are You in a Fix?)

“Then the Egyptians chased after them (the Israelites) with all the horses and chariots of Pharoah, his horsemen and his army, and they overtook them camping by the sea.” (Exodus 14:9) A “fix.” Simply put, it’s a place where we find ourselves trapped. (Been there? Done that?) Think back to the fixes you’ve found yourself […]

Fallen Heroes Remembered

“‘Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.’” (John 15:13)

How a Super Power Disappears from the Final Act of History

The United States of America is conspicuously absent in Biblical prophecy. Pat Robertson in his book, The Secret Kingdom, suggests she is among those being referred to in Ezekiel, chapter 38, verse 13, where it mentions: “the merchants of Tarshish.” Beyond that there is nothing about the USA (many scholars agree). How could this be? […]

My Country, ‘Tis of Thee (Birth of a Nation)

The United States of America.”All men are created equal.” “Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” “We the people.” The Boston Massacre. The Boston Tea Party. The Intolerable Acts. “The shot heard ’round the world.” The Revolutionary War. “Give me Liberty, or give me Death!” (Patrick Henry) […]


Tea Party in Sonora

Was Jesus a Liberal or a Conservative? (Part 3)

Pastor Mike talks about Christ and continues to wonder what His politics might have been.

Was Jesus a Liberal or a Conservative? (Part 2)

Pastor Mike talks about Christ and continues to wonder what His politics might have been.