Do you know your Bible? Well, let’s just find out if you do with a quiz. How ’bout it? This is now the second in a series entitled: “Test Your Knowledge of the Bible.” The first test was on the New Testament. This second test will focus on the Old Testament. When you’re finished you’ll […]
Test Your Knowledge of the New Testament
This is the first in a series entitled: “Test Your Knowledge of the Bible.” This first test has to do with the New Testament. What do you know about it? Let’s find out with the following questions (you’ll be able to check how many you get right below): 1. How many different books make up […]
Fast Asleep in Presumption
In the classic allegory “Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan, the character “Christian” has just left his burden (of sin) behind at The Place Of Redemption. He then immediately encounters three individuals whose names are: “Simple,” “Sloth” and “Presumption.” These are interesting characters to say the least. The book says about Simple, Sloth and Presumption: they […]
Advice for When the Sky is Falling
A famous chicken was walking in the woods one day when an acorn fell on her head. Her response? “Oh my goodness. The sky is falling.” With that statement Chicken Little would lead every one of her friends away to the point where they almost became dinner for a fox. And Chicken Little’s statement: “The […]
On Tongues, Interpretation and Prophecy
There is a difference between tongues, the prayer language (1 Cor. 14:2, 4), and tongues, the spiritual gift (1 Cor. 14:5). Addressing the misuse of tongues, the spiritual gift, in the church at Corinth, Paul was not forbidding its use (1 Cor. 14:39). Of course, tongues is to be interpreted if it is to be […]
Test Your Knowledge of Easter
Are you pretty up on things surrounding the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ? Let’s find out (answers below and page links to where answers were gained)… 1. Each Easter Americans buy the following amount of Marshmallow Peeps shaped like chicks, bunnies and eggs (of which yellow is the #1 color chosen): (a) 7 […]
If Only Adam Wasn’t So Cheap
I came across the following funny on the web. Just think how well off we’d be, men, if only Adam wasn’t so cheap! From the lost chapter of Genesis: Adam was walking around the garden of Eden feeling very lonely, so God asked him, “What is wrong with you?” Adam said he didn’t have anyone […]