Marriage Made in Heaven

This is now the second post in a series entitled: “Lessons from the Holy Family.” (Read the first post by clicking here: A “God” Thing.) And the second lesson we learn from the holy family (Mary, Joseph and Jesus) is this: Marriage is between a man and a man or a woman and a woman […]

Shout with Joy (chorus)

Pastor Mike shares his worship chorus based on Psalm 126.

A “God” Thing

This is the first post in a series over the next four weeks leading up to Christmas entitled: “Lessons from the Holy Family.” The holy family I’m talking about is none other than the holy family of old: the Virgin named Mary, Joseph her husband and the Christ child. And the first lesson from the […]

Why I’m Glad I’m Not Chris Brogan or Guy Kawasaki

Now at the outset I must concede the fact doesn’t escape me that some will read this just because of the big names mentioned. (Ya think?) Notwithstanding I do have a sincere purpose (it’s not to gain traction) and indeed am glad I’m neither CB or GK (or any other guru in the social media […]

The Power of Appreciation

“And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’” (Mark 1:11; NIV) My son, Michael, had a writing test a few years ago. My wife, Kim, and I were very anxious about how he would perform. Of course, Kim had invested much time and energy […]

6 More Women-5 More Lessons

Pastor Mike highlights six more women in the Bible and a central lesson from their stories: Rahab, Deborah, Michal, the Queen of Sheba, Elizabeth and Mary.

A Biblical Look At Hell

Pastor Mike shares what the Scriptures have to say about a place you don’t want to go.

Throwing Caution to the Wind

“He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4) Risk taking. Sure there is wisdom in cautiousness and being careful and weighing this and that before we proceed. And prudence requires that we act in just such a way especially when others are involved […]

5 Things Jesus Refused to Do (in 30 seconds)

Pastor Mike offers a twist on the question: What would Jesus do? This is about what Jesus wouldn’t do. (If you can’t see this video, click here.)

Was Jesus a Liberal or a Conservative? (Part 3)

Pastor Mike talks about Christ and continues to wonder what His politics might have been.