Recognizing the Risen Christ

Last Sayings of Jesus from the Cross (Part 1-7)

Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 1) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 2) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 3) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 4) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 5) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 6) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 7)

The Devil Next Door

He was big. He was mean. He was my next door neighbor. I was going to Bible school at the time ~ discipleship training school to be exact (DTS). I lived with 9 other guys in a 2 story, 4 bedroom house in the Bay Area (San Francisco). We were all learning how to follow […]

Burden Bearer – Part 2

(The second in a series. For Part 1: click here.) “[The Roman soldiers] pressed into service a passer-by coming from the country, Simon of Cyrene . . . to bear [Jesus’] cross.” (Mark 15:21) Simon encounters Christ. Wow. And he’s come along way for this unforeseen meeting – from as far as Cyrene – a […]

How a Super Power Disappears from the Final Act of History

The United States of America is conspicuously absent in Biblical prophecy. Pat Robertson in his book, The Secret Kingdom, suggests she is among those being referred to in Ezekiel, chapter 38, verse 13, where it mentions: “the merchants of Tarshish.” Beyond that there is nothing about the USA (many scholars agree). How could this be? […]

Burden Bearer – Part 1

The once sunlit landscape is now illuminated by stars. The blazing fireplace is dull embers. The bustling household is fading off in slumber. That night. The soldiers lay hold of Jesus. (Mark 14:46) He puts up no fight. His followers flee in fear. (Mark 14:50) That night. Simon’s mind struggles to rest as he lays […]

A Heart For God (blog site stats)

7 Reasons Why Barack Obama Will Be Reelected

Barack Obama garnered more votes than any elected President in American history ~ almost 67 million (66,882,230) to John McCain’s 58 million (58,343,671). Love Obama or hate him, there’s one thing that can be agreed upon. His use of social media was masterful and a huge factor in getting him elected President of the United […]

A Story About Angels

I fell off the roof. There is just no other way to say it. It was snowing heavily. And at our house when we get upwards of 6 inches plus of snow what happens is our pilot light on the furnace goes out because the vent on the roof gets buried. So depending on how […]

7 Reasons Why Barack Obama Will Be Reelected in 2012

Barack Obama garnered more votes than any elected President in American history ~ almost 67 million (66,882,230) to John McCain’s 58 million (58,343,671). Love Obama or hate him, there’s one thing that can be agreed upon. His use of social media was masterful and a huge factor in getting him elected President of the United […]