
The following is a fictitious story. (Or is it?) I wasn’t called to someone’s deathbed. (You read it right: was not.) Here’s what I could/would have said if I was: “You have three choices. #1: Receive Christ and be healed (and go on living to proclaim His excellencies). #2: Receive Christ and be healed (and […]

Brush with Death (Following Jesus Series 1)

4 Things God Has Taught Me

In our monthly gathering of men at church we invite various brothers to share their testimony. A “testimony” is simply when you tell others what God’s been doing in your life. It can include (and often does) how you were awakened to Christ and initially began serving Him, but it need not (nor should it) […]

On the Subject of Cremation

As America’s population ages and finances decline, the question can arise among Christians as to whether or not cremation is a reasonable alternative to what can sometimes be a very costly traditional approach to burial. I’d like to offer a quick answer to this question even though it may be controversial to some. First of […]

Living Like It’s Your Last Day

Pastor Mike talks about priorities in life. And so what if today is your last day?