Franklin Graham Labels Trump Opposition ‘Demonic’; Rick Perry Labels Trump ‘Chosen One’

Donald Trump’s ‘Spiritual Advisor’ Paula White Says Anyone Who Tells You To Deny Yourself Is From Satan

Many False Teachers In The Room With President Trump Including Paula White To His Right

Pastor Who Voted For Donald Trump Says He ‘Begged God’ In His Prayer Closet For Impeachment

(Donald Trump via pixabay)

Trump Tower To Be Constructed On Temple Mount. (You’d Think.)

Now They Want To Add To The Holy Bible The Book Of Donald Trump

(Donald Trump via pixabay)

A Born-Again Donald Trump? Believe It, Evangelical Leader Says

Stop allowing politicians of either party to use Christ’s church as a campaign stop

The Terribly Tiny God of MAGA Christians

(Donald Trump via pixabay)

Evangelicals on Bill Clinton Versus Donald Trump

(Seal of the President of the United States via pixabay)