
I was applying for a job that required a print out of my driving record. That’s when I got nervous. You see, I hadn’t been enjoying the best of driving careers (to put it mildly). Yes, I’d been pulled over for speeding. Yes, I’d gotten in a few accidents (well, maybe more than a few). […]

Paid in Full

“It is finished!” (John 19:30) It was with those three words that Jesus Christ declared mankind’s redemption accomplished. There’s nothing more that can be added. There’s nothing more that need be done. Our sins are forgiven (if we believe). Our eternal destiny is secure (we are headed to heaven when this life is through). And […]

A Prayer for Restoring Honor

There’s a rally on the Washington Mall this weekend. (Watch live: HERE) It’s centering around a return to values, a return to morality and goodness, a return to God. We’ve gotten off track in America. It’s evident to everyone. And it’s also evident that it’s beyond our own human ability to recover. We need help. […]

Just One Sin

It won’t matter. It won’t hurt. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, it’s just a drop in the bucket. Sure it is. No one’s gonna know. How could they? Who’s gonna tell them? If I look at that magazine. If I watch that show. If I buy that item. If I see that […]

Virus (Heart) Scan

When was the last time you ran a virus scan on your computer? I don’t know about you, but I get lazy. Here’s what I mean. I’ve got so much going on that I keep putting off scanning my computer for viruses for another day. “Well, with Twitter and Facebook and blogging and video blogging […]

7 Lies About Abortion

I used to work in a deli/cafe as a sandwich maker. A friend and coworker of mine was in a bad relationship at the time, got pregnant and decided to get an abortion. I tried to talk her out of it, but her situation was just too overwhelming. She got the abortion. As I look […]

The Only Hope for a Tiger is a Lion

I listened to Tiger Woods’ apology for his adulteries (as some of you might have). He said he was sorry for hurting his wife. He said he was sorry for hurting his mother. He said he was sorry for hurting his fans. He said he was in rehab. He said he would never do it […]

7 Men, 4 Women, 10 Sins

Some people believe humankind is ultimately good at its core. The problem is that’s not what the Bible says. Romans 3:10 can’t be more clear: “There is none righteous, not even one.” Jeremiah goes on: “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Isaiah continues: […]

Easter Song by Keith Green