Newly Discovered Fossils Reveal Snakes Once Had Legs, Confirming Genesis Account
December 1, 2019 by
Baby Pictures Of Adam and Eve via @LloydLegalist
August 31, 2018 by
#NowYouKnow pic.twitter.com/xWEy6dwrPo — Lloyd Legalist (@LloydLegalist) July 11, 2018 (Expulsion of Adam and Eve via wikipedia)
Aliens, Dead Planets, a Spectacular Earth and the Gap Theory
November 1, 2011 by
We have interactive Sundays at our church. Once every month the congregation writes down questions on slips of paper. They are collected. And then the pastor answers the questions during his sermon time for that day. It’s cool. On a recent Sunday one of the slips of paper had a single word, “Aliens.” As our […]