Why I’m Wearing Pajamas to Church

There’s a movement towards the “casual” in our day. We’re casual in our speech. We’re casual in our showing up for events and appointments (“casual” used for “late” here). We’re casual in our clothing, too. It’s this last area of casual I want to talk about. I can remember “casual dress” days were Fridays at […]

Was Jesus a Liberal or a Conservative? (Part 3)

Pastor Mike talks about Christ and continues to wonder what His politics might have been.

Was Jesus a Liberal or a Conservative? (Part 2)

Pastor Mike talks about Christ and continues to wonder what His politics might have been.

Was Jesus a Liberal or a Conservative? (Part 1)

Pastor Mike talks about Christ and wonders what His politics might have been.

The Coming Global Warming

Pastor Mike believes in global warming, but it might not be like the one you think.

The 10 Most Scariest Verses in the Bible

(CLICK HERE to get your FREE pack of 7 social media graphics to share on Facebook, Instagram and beyond! Courtesy of Pastor Mike.) I have a confession to make. I was trying to get your attention with the title. It worked, didn’t it? And I guess it isn’t so much that I want to scare […]

The 7 No’s of a Successful Marriage

Over 50% of all marriages today end in divorce. That means you can pretty much flip a coin and come up with heads (if you call heads) more often than most marriages will last. And quite frankly, it’s because marriage is hard work for one thing. That’s why they’re ending at such an alarming rate. […]

To Trick or Treat or Not to Trick or Treat?

“‘Everything is permissible’–but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible’–but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. Eat anything that is sold in the meat market, without asking questions for conscience’ sake. For the earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains.” (1 Corinthians 10:23-26; NIV) It’s […]

10 People Who Won’t Be in Heaven After They Die

We never want to think about it, but it’s true. There are some people who won’t be in heaven after they die. And even Jesus Himself emphasizes that we don’t have enough information to determine who these are from our point of view in His Parable of the Tares and the Wheat. (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43) […]

The American Dream

THE DREAM Early this morning I had a dream. I only remember my dreams if I wake up right after I have them. After I awoke I looked at the clock and it was 3:33 a.m. This is my dream. I saw four open pits with cinder block walls. They shared a mutual wall on […]