Journey to the Celestial City #7. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian, along with his companion, Pliable, stuck in the Slough of Despond which drips with the filth of mankind’s wretchedness. Pliable is turned back as he thinks the way of salvation should be easier. And […]
Stuck in the Slough
Journey to the Celestial City #6. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian (whose name previously was Graceless), traveling towards the Wicket Gate with one called Pliable. On their way they run into an awful bog called, “The Slough of Despond,” which bears the name since it’s […]
The Glories to Come
Journey to the Celestial City #5. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Christian (whose name previously was Graceless), through the good word of his testimony, has persuaded one, Pliable, to follow along with him towards the Wicket Gate. They go on to discourse together concerning the things […]
Enemies in the Way
Journey to the Celestial City #4. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Graceless, heading towards the Wicket Gate while various people seek to hinder him. Among these are his wife and little ones, his neighbors and then two gentlemen in particular by the names of Obstinate and […]
A Message of Grace
Journey to the Celestial City #3. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man, Graceless, in fear of death and judgment. While in his distress he comes across another, Evangelist by name, who encourages Graceless to journey towards the Wicket Gate for help and instruction. And when we discover […]
An Awful State
Journey to the Celestial City #2. In our continuing look at John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress,” today we find the man whose name is Graceless continuing to be wracked over his upset condition. His grief is further complicated by the book in his hand. Upon reading it, Graceless is moved to exclaim, “What shall I do […]
A Heavy Burden
Journey to the Celestial City #1. John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” is the #1 best-selling book of all time after the Bible. It starts out with a man undone and wrought with grief over his condition, but he knows not what it is that has brought this feeling upon himself. Indeed, the man has a great […]
Test Your Knowledge of the New Testament
This is the first in a series entitled: “Test Your Knowledge of the Bible.” This first test has to do with the New Testament. What do you know about it? Let’s find out with the following questions (you’ll be able to check how many you get right below): 1. How many different books make up […]
What About The Faithful Who’ve Died?
There are three things that are true about believing loved ones that have gone on. The first thing that’s true is: They’re with the Lord. They go to heaven. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, the Apostle Paul writes (and I paraphrase) in 2 Corinthians chapter 5, the […]
Standing Against the Devil – Part 4
(This is the fourth and final installment of a series.) The seven sons of Sceva in Acts chapter 19 dealt with Linda Blair head-twisters for a living. They were exorcists performing exorcisms. But they weren’t in the business for very long. You see, their Ghostbusting days were cut short when they attempted to name over […]