Last Sayings of Jesus from the Cross (Part 1-7)

Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 1) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 2) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 3) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 4) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 5) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 6) Seven Lasts Sayings of Jesus (Part 7)

10 Reasons Why a Break from Twitter is for You

It’s been about 2 months now since @tweetfast was put in motion (by sister @HeatherWilson). If you have yet to hear about it, @tweetfast is the twitter site calling on believers worldwide to fast for 24 hours, not from food, but from their tweeting fascination. It’s scheduled to take place on Good Friday, April 10. […]