God’s Ways Not Our Ways

Think back over your own life living for Jesus and the certain situations you may have found yourself in and how probably many of them didn’t necessarily go as you thought they should go. Right? And even when you prayed and sought the Lord – and even when you were faithful to the best of […]

10恶魔的谎言 (10 Lies of the Devil)

有一个伊甸园的狡猾的野兽。他会说话!为了女人,大蛇说:“你不会死,如果你吃了禁果。您只需变得像神。”和所有的母亲一起生活了。夏娃吃。直到今天,她 的孩子是这样的选择支付(和亚当的)。你已经站在了一个葬礼前,灵柩前?这么多蛇的/魔鬼的建议。夏娃什么不明白早在花园可以挽救她和她的丈夫(和我们每 一个人)。蛇/魔鬼/撒但不能说真话永远。嗯嗯。不行。这是不可能的。出来的一切,从他的嘴里,是欺骗/假。耶稣(谁也不会说谎)的骗子(在这样的魔鬼) 发言:“[他]并不了解事实真相的立场,因为他心里没有真理。每当他讲一个谎言,他从自己的性质,讲他是个骗子和谎言之父。“ (约翰福音8:44),也不会说,任何出来的魔鬼的嘴巴如此这般,必须予以驳斥。 ,他是否对你说什么最近?它可能包括一些/下列任何? 10恶魔的谎言…(可能你添加什么?) 上帝不爱你 有没有这回事地狱 所有宗教导致天堂 你不是罪人 每个人都将被保存 您决不会有出息 您转世第二次机会 你可以让自己接受的你怎么做上帝 耶稣只是一个好人 魔鬼不是真正的 (留意“10更多谎言的魔鬼”到功成。) Chinese (Simplified) (10 Lies of the Devil: ENGLISH)

7 Men, 4 Women, 10 Sins

Some people believe humankind is ultimately good at its core. The problem is that’s not what the Bible says. Romans 3:10 can’t be more clear: “There is none righteous, not even one.” Jeremiah goes on: “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Isaiah continues: […]

10 More Lies of the Devil

After forty days in the wilderness Satan tempted the Savior, “If You are God’s Son, tell this stone to become bread.” “Worship me and I will give you all the kingdoms of the world.” “Throw Yourself down from the temple’s height and the angels will catch You.” Each time Jesus recognized it was a liar […]

4 Things God Has Taught Me

In our monthly gathering of men at church we invite various brothers to share their testimony. A “testimony” is simply when you tell others what God’s been doing in your life. It can include (and often does) how you were awakened to Christ and initially began serving Him, but it need not (nor should it) […]

On the Subject of Cremation

As America’s population ages and finances decline, the question can arise among Christians as to whether or not cremation is a reasonable alternative to what can sometimes be a very costly traditional approach to burial. I’d like to offer a quick answer to this question even though it may be controversial to some. First of […]

10 Lies of the Devil

There was a crafty beast in the Garden of Eden. And he could talk! To the woman, the serpent said, “You won’t die if you eat the forbidden fruit. You’ll just become like God.” And the mother of all the living went along. Eve ate. To this day her children are paying for that choice […]

A Biblical Look At Hell

Pastor Mike shares what the Scriptures have to say about a place you don’t want to go.

To Trick or Treat or Not to Trick or Treat?

“‘Everything is permissible’–but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible’–but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. Eat anything that is sold in the meat market, without asking questions for conscience’ sake. For the earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains.” (1 Corinthians 10:23-26; NIV) It’s […]

10 People Who Won’t Be in Heaven After They Die

We never want to think about it, but it’s true. There are some people who won’t be in heaven after they die. And even Jesus Himself emphasizes that we don’t have enough information to determine who these are from our point of view in His Parable of the Tares and the Wheat. (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43) […]