Woman Blind For 13 Years Healed Instantly By Husband’s Intercessory Prayer, Study Says
May 22, 2020 by
Iraqi Christian burned alive by ISIS three times miraculously survives, sees Jesus in vision
June 7, 2019 by
Miracle of the Undisturbed Grave Clothes
March 23, 2016 by
MISUNDERSTOOD MIRACLE One of the most misunderstood miracles surrounding our Lord’s resurrection is the miracle of the undisturbed grave clothes. An angel points to the place where Jesus once lay in Mark 16:6b. The women (including Mary Magdalene) are then told to go tell the disciples and Peter in Mark 16:7. The account of Mary […]
Miracle of the Temple Curtain Torn in Two
March 13, 2016 by
FIRST MIRACLE “And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed His last. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” (Mark 15:37-38) The temple curtain (veil) torn in two is one of a number of miracles that happened after the crucifixion. And it’s interesting that Mark records it first […]
A 19-Year-Old Daughter with No Brakes on Her Car and the Psalm 23 Prayer
November 20, 2015 by
(The following is a true story from 2010.) BRAKES OUT The brakes were gone. How could this be? She’d just finished a 1,500-foot mountain grade descent. The “she” was my 19-year old daughter. And I am writing this today to glorify God and recognize His great faithfulness to us and in our lives. PSALM 23 […]