California Governor Gavin Newsom Wants A ‘No-Kill’ State… For Animals, Not For People
January 21, 2020 by
Before the Nazis Killed Jews, They Euthanized Hundreds of Thousands of Disabled People
September 19, 2019 by
(Concentration Camp Prisoners via wikipedia)
Dr. James Dobson Reacts to Senate’s Failure to Pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
March 6, 2019 by
Hillary Clinton Defends Late-Term Abortion: OK to Kill Those Babies Because It’s Just 12,000 a Year
February 15, 2019 by
(Hillary Clinton via pixabay)
Feminist “Pastor” Who Had an Abortion Says That Life Doesn’t Begin Until “Breath”
February 3, 2019 by
(Baby in Womb via goodfreephotos)