California Governor Gavin Newsom Wants A ‘No-Kill’ State… For Animals, Not For People

Green Bay Packers Foundation Donates To Planned Parenthood

‘Abortions Are Magical’ Propaganda Candles Spread Lies For The Holidays

Egypt: Christian Convert Murdered By Muslim Family Over Facebook Post

Before the Nazis Killed Jews, They Euthanized Hundreds of Thousands of Disabled People

(Concentration Camp Prisoners via wikipedia)

Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”

This is a choice. This is a child.

Dr. James Dobson Reacts to Senate’s Failure to Pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Hillary Clinton Defends Late-Term Abortion: OK to Kill Those Babies Because It’s Just 12,000 a Year

(Hillary Clinton via pixabay)

Feminist “Pastor” Who Had an Abortion Says That Life Doesn’t Begin Until “Breath”

(Baby in Womb via goodfreephotos)