(Warning: rant coming ~ sort of.) There’s a “phenomenon” that takes place in the church (in my humble opinion). A person starts attending services. He (or she) begins to become a part of a local congregation. And then all of a sudden, for some unknown reason (actually I will give one in just a moment), […]
Abused By Church? (8 Questions to Ask)
The Catholic Church is under assault and for good reason. They have turned a blind eye (in some ways) to the problem of sexual abuse among their clergy. That’s not the kind of abuse I want to talk about here. Instead, I want to point to areas where a person might not think it’s (quote) […]
When Sheep Beat Up The Shepherd
(This is a follow up to the post: “When Shepherds Beat Up The Sheep” -> click here.) They are in the line of fire. They are on Normandy Beach pinned down. The heavy guns are trained on them. They won’t come out alive. They are not meant to. (A professor in college told us: “Don’t […]
When Shepherds Beat Up The Sheep
Have you ever been injured in church? I’m not talking about tripping on the steps or getting a splinter from the pew (we don’t use those anymore, but it fits). Rather, I’m talking about when the Pastor (shepherd) starts (quote) “throwing blows” from the pulpit. Here’s how it happens. The Pastor is upset over something. […]
Discerning False Teachers (in 30 seconds)
Pastor Mike talks about the difference between a faithful teacher and a false one. Do you know how to tell?
Discerning False Shepherds (in 30 seconds)
Pastor Mike talks about how it really does matter who your spiritual leader is. Are they faithful or false?