Message to My Daughters

I’m a preacher. (You’ve figured that out by now?) I found myself “preaching” to both my 12 and 20 year old daughters. (They know when I go into preaching mode. As an Italian, I start using my hands.) I was saying this to them… You need to become experts in the Scriptures. I’m not kidding. […]

On Sloppy Preaching and Popes

Ex cathedra. It’s a term that basically means what the Pope says goes and you don’t question it. Uh uh. No way. It’s “gospel.” And what’s crazy about it is it can happen even outside the Vatican with preachers and Christian leaders. People can begin to think that what they say goes and you better […]

6 Points of Prayer for Your Pastor

I saw Jimmy Swaggart on TV the other day. And you may or may not know of his moral failure (sin) a couple of decades ago (except for the grace of God there go I), but it can happen with men in the pulpit. Just like us they can succumb to temptation, too. Oh, I […]