Is It Really You, God, in My Life?

“Now when John in prison heard of the works of Christ, he sent word by his disciples, and said to Him, ‘Are You the expected One, or shall we look for someone else?’” (Matthew 11:2-3) I’ve always been intrigued by the above story of John the Baptist. I mean, here is the greatest man who […]

There Are So Many Religions Today, Aren’t They All Just Like Christianity?

In a pluralistic society like America (one where many religious groups coexist together), it’s easy to see how a person might be confused into thinking that all religions are basically the same. But they really are not. How many of you know that just because an American Hindu or Buddhist or Christian Scientist or Mormon […]

Is Christianity a Religion?

#Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ. There is no other way. John 14:6 #HeartChat — aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) July 19, 2013 Is Christianity a religion? Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ. There is no other way. […]

How Can a God Who is Good Allow Evil to Exist?

How can a God who is good allow evil to exist? I want to begin to answer this question by emphasizing the fact that God is good and that God’s goodness is not open for debate. Some would say that since evil is allowed to exist, then that necessarily implies an evil God. But that […]