7 Reasons Why Barack Obama Will Be Reelected in 2012

Barack Obama garnered more votes than any elected President in American history ~ almost 67 million (66,882,230) to John McCain’s 58 million (58,343,671). Love Obama or hate him, there’s one thing that can be agreed upon. His use of social media was masterful and a huge factor in getting him elected President of the United […]

7 Points on the End Times (plus 3 bonus points)

“In the last days of Narnia, far up to the west beyond Lantern Waste and close beside the great waterfall, there lived an Ape.” Thus begins C. S. Lewis’ “The Last Battle,” the final book in his 7 volume children’s classic, Chronicles of Narnia series. In it Lewis depicts the last days struggle on planet […]

A Heart For God on Google

If you can’t see this video, click here.

7 Identifications of Wicked Religion

Not all religions lead to God. It is rather obvious which ones do not. At the heart of “wicked religion” is the denigration, dismissal and destruction of people (e.g. “believers” who support abortion). At the heart of “wicked religion” is the foolish notion that a person can gain salvation of his own doing. The following […]

Muslim Brotherhood and End Times Prophecy (videos)

Kay Arthur on Egypt’s place in the last days (video): Click here (Luke 21:28)

Test Your Knowledge of Christmas

Sing with me: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year. With the kids jingle belling, And everyone telling you, ‘Be of good cheer,’ It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” (Hey, you did that good!) And I just can’t help but sing, my friends. The Christmas spirit’s got a hold of me and […]

So You Want To Get Married?

On Obeying God (Following Jesus Series 2)

Brush with Death (Following Jesus Series 1)

Why I’m Using Four Letter Words in Church

(This is a continuation of a thinking process started in the posts: “Why I’m Wearing Pajamas to Church” and “Why I’m Showing Up Late for Church.”) There’s a movement towards the “casual” in our day. We’re casual in our speech. We’re casual in our showing up for events and appointments. We’re casual in our clothing, […]