“For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again.” (Proverbs 24:16a) My son, Michael, was 4 years old when he received his first bike. (That was a long time ago.) He did very well riding it (surprisingly). The training wheels were a big, big help (of course). And there was something else Michael was […]
Where It All Started…
I woke up in the San Francisco Bay Area today. Here are a few of my tweets as I started the day… Good morning from Fremont, California (where I grew up) 🙂 #Jesus #aheartforgod — aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) April 14, 2012 Fill my heart today, Lord Jesus. I want You! \o/ #Jesus #Tworship #mkbiblechat — aheartforgod […]
What About Those Who’ve Never Heard the Gospel? Will God Condemn Them to Hell, Too? (conclusion)
It’s the Lord’s purpose that this evidence of His existence (Romans 1:19-20) be a means of drawing men and women to search after Him. (Acts 17:26-27) On this path of searching for God (Jeremiah 29:13), the Lord has it set up that His redemption plan in Jesus Christ be discovered. (John 3:16) And I believe […]
10 Facts About the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Messiah was dead. Messiah was buried. Messiah was gone. At least that’s what everybody thought. And who could blame them? After all, how can anyone come back from the dead? It all comes down to the resurrection. It’s what separates Christianity from all other religions ~ the empty tomb. It’s what separates Jesus from all […]
My Crazy Easter Story (in tweets)
I gotta tell you guys a crazy Easter story. Want to hear it? 🙂 #HolyWeek — aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) April 3, 2012 I lost my wedding ring a long time ago right around Christmas time… #HolyWeek #Easter — aheartforgod (@aheartforgod) April 3, 2012 I looked high & low, wide & long for that wedding ring, but […]
Wanted: Guitar Player for Jesus
I was a young Christian and was wondering if God could ever use me and my instrument again. I say “again” because I used to play lead guitar in secular rock bands. Music had been an idol to me. That idol was smashed on Super Bowl Sunday (January 1984) when, into the dumpster behind my […]
A Boy Feeling Sorry for Himself and a Great Lion
“‘I do think,’ said Shasta, ‘that I must be the most unfortunate boy that ever lived in the whole world. Everything goes right for everyone except me.’” In the Narnia series book, The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis, a boy named Shasta finds himself having a pity party. And why shouldn’t Shasta […]
How Majestic is Thy Name (chorus)
It’s amazing that somebody could be with you for so long and be pulling the wool over your eyes… (video)
(For the entire Men Jesus Called teaching series by Richard @mcProdigal and Mike @aheartforgod, click here.)