After forty days in the wilderness Satan tempted the Savior, “If You are God’s Son, tell this stone to become bread.” “Worship me and I will give you all the kingdoms of the world.” “Throw Yourself down from the temple’s height and the angels will catch You.” Each time Jesus recognized it was a liar […]
Shout with Joy (chorus)
Pastor Mike shares his worship chorus based on Psalm 126.
4 Things God Has Taught Me
In our monthly gathering of men at church we invite various brothers to share their testimony. A “testimony” is simply when you tell others what God’s been doing in your life. It can include (and often does) how you were awakened to Christ and initially began serving Him, but it need not (nor should it) […]
On the Subject of Cremation
As America’s population ages and finances decline, the question can arise among Christians as to whether or not cremation is a reasonable alternative to what can sometimes be a very costly traditional approach to burial. I’d like to offer a quick answer to this question even though it may be controversial to some. First of […]
10 Lies of the Devil
There was a crafty beast in the Garden of Eden. And he could talk! To the woman, the serpent said, “You won’t die if you eat the forbidden fruit. You’ll just become like God.” And the mother of all the living went along. Eve ate. To this day her children are paying for that choice […]
On Sloppy Preaching and Popes
Ex cathedra. It’s a term that basically means what the Pope says goes and you don’t question it. Uh uh. No way. It’s “gospel.” And what’s crazy about it is it can happen even outside the Vatican with preachers and Christian leaders. People can begin to think that what they say goes and you better […]
5 Things Jesus Refused to Do (in 30 seconds)
Pastor Mike offers a twist on the question: What would Jesus do? This is about what Jesus wouldn’t do. (If you can’t see this video, click here.)
6 Points of Prayer for Your Pastor
I saw Jimmy Swaggart on TV the other day. And you may or may not know of his moral failure (sin) a couple of decades ago (except for the grace of God there go I), but it can happen with men in the pulpit. Just like us they can succumb to temptation, too. Oh, I […]
Why I’m Wearing Pajamas to Church
There’s a movement towards the “casual” in our day. We’re casual in our speech. We’re casual in our showing up for events and appointments (“casual” used for “late” here). We’re casual in our clothing, too. It’s this last area of casual I want to talk about. I can remember “casual dress” days were Fridays at […]
The 10 Most Scariest Verses in the Bible
(CLICK HERE to get your FREE pack of 7 social media graphics to share on Facebook, Instagram and beyond! Courtesy of Pastor Mike.) I have a confession to make. I was trying to get your attention with the title. It worked, didn’t it? And I guess it isn’t so much that I want to scare […]