
I don’t know how it happens and I do know how it happens. (Psalm 139:16) And to emphasize that I want you to think about it from the following perspective. I’d expect some of you may never have before. A baby boy is born way over here. And a baby girl is born way over […]

Aliens, Dead Planets, a Spectacular Earth and the Gap Theory

We have interactive Sundays at our church. Once every month the congregation writes down questions on slips of paper. They are collected. And then the pastor answers the questions during his sermon time for that day. It’s cool. On a recent Sunday one of the slips of paper had a single word, “Aliens.” As our […]

Who Raised Jesus From The Dead?

(If you can’t see this video, click here.)

The Beastly Dog (guest blog post)

(Guest blogger today is my daughter, Theresa.) Four years ago, I was chased by a beast. I was pedaling on my two-wheeled bike with my brother Michael; my mom used her footwork to keep up. At this time, I must have been eight. Michael and I rode ahead of my mom, biking around our neighborhood […]

Bad Neighbor Bye Bye

I was depressed. I was at my whit’s end. (It happens to pastors, too.) I couldn’t take it any more. Here’s why. It wasn’t that my next door neighbor played his music. It was that he played it so loud, so often, so selfishly (in disregard for the neighborhood). And he had this “box” thing […]

The Chosen Ones (video)

(For the entire Men Jesus Called teaching series by Richard @mcProdigal and Mike @aheartforgod, click here.)

Descent Into Chaos

You open up the Drudge Report and it’s like the world is descending into chaos. And it is. Whole nations can’t pay their bills. (So the Vatican trumpets the need for a world governing financial body ~ or has it?). Middle East dictators are overthrown and replaced by even crazier radicals. (How else does Satan […]

Mark of the Beast

The last book in the Bible is so misunderstood. (And if that isn’t one of the greatest understatements…) The book of Revelation ~ of course there are many prophetic systems /scenarios of interpretation (and it’s not my design here to deal with those) ~ but what I do want to talk about is how there […]

Adam’s Wife, Eve: She Had Some Good Qualities, Too

Testimony of a (pre) Teenager

“And when He (Jesus) became twelve … He said to them, ‘Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?’” (Luke 2:42a, 49) I recently tweeted (shared on Twitter) the following: I testified at Bible study the other night that in my […]