It's NOT biblical.Posted by A Heart For God Ministries on Friday, November 20, 2020
Activist, Academics Divided On Whether The Social Justice Movement Is Biblical. It’s Not
November 21, 2020 by Pastor Mike
Filed Under: social justice Tagged With: false religion, false theology, social justice
Racist Statement Made By Bishop Talbert Swan Of The Church Of God In Christ
November 28, 2019 by Pastor Mike
Filed Under: christianity, racism, social justice Tagged With: Christianity, racism, social justice
‘VeggieTales’ Is ‘Racist,’ Students Claim At Cal State ‘Whiteness Forum’
August 19, 2019 by Pastor Mike
Filed Under: christianity, racism, social justice Tagged With: Christianity, racism, social justice
Cain Likely Killed Abel With A Rock, But We Know For Sure It Was Not A Gun
August 6, 2019 by Pastor Mike
Filed Under: guns, second amendment, social justice Tagged With: guns, second amendment, social justice
You Can’t Be White And Follow Jesus
April 15, 2019 by Pastor Mike
Filed Under: false teaching, racism, social justice Tagged With: false teaching, racism, social justice
Virtue Signaling: The New Evangelistic Strategy by Phil Johnson
January 30, 2019 by Pastor Mike
Filed Under: phil johnson, social justice Tagged With: phil johnson, social justice
10th Fruit of the Spirit Has Been Ratified: Wokeness
August 13, 2018 by Pastor Mike
Filed Under: fruit of the spirit, social justice, woke Tagged With: fruit of the spirit, social justice, woke
Why the Idea of “Social Justice” is Anti-Christian (redux)
July 20, 2014 by Pastor Mike

“‘But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and he seized him and began to choke him, saying, “Pay back what you owe.”‘” (Matthew 18:28) SOCIAL JUSTICE There’s a lot of talk about social justice in our day. The best way to describe social justice […]
Filed Under: antichrist, christianity, social justice Tagged With: antichrist, Christianity, social justice
Forgiveness, An Unmerciful Slave and the Heart of Social Justice
May 31, 2013 by Pastor Mike

“‘But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and he seized him and began to choke him, saying, “Pay back what you owe.”‘” (Matthew 18:28) There’s a lot of talk about social justice in our day. The best way to describe social justice is it […]
Filed Under: forgiveness, social justice Tagged With: forgiveness, social justice