(If you can’t see this video, click here.)
Living Like It’s Your Last Day
First Witness (7 Things That Prove Jesus Was / Is Alive)
“When she had said this, she turned around, and beheld Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus.” (John 20:14) So who was the first person to see Jesus alive on Easter Sunday morning? Hm? I’m talking about a man or a woman who actually saw the Lord with their own two […]
Weeping for the Wrong Thing (Women Bewailing Christ)
“But Jesus turning to them said, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.’” (Luke 23:28) What are you sad over? I’d like to suggest it’s the wrong thing. Let me explain. Jesus is journeying down the Via Dolorosa, that confined and narrow, stone path leading out of […]
The 8 Don’ts of Twitter / Tweeting (plus 1 bonus)
This is just a real quick post off the top of my head. Here are some thoughts on approaching twitter and tweeting that I think will help you have an enjoyable experience (and gain followers, too)…The 8 Don’ts of Twitter /Tweeting (plus 1 bonus): 1. Don’t use a false location in your bio (unless you’re […]
A Biblical Look at Hell
Pastor Mike shares what the Scriptures have to say about a place you don’t want to go. (If you can’t see this video, click here.)
Burden Bearer – Part 3
(The third in a series. For Part 1: click here. For Part 2: click here.) [They] placed on [Simon of Cyrene] the cross to carry behind Jesus. (Luke 23:26d) It’s impossible to erase the affects of a true encounter with Jesus from the conciousness of an individual. Do you think that Simon ever forgot what […]
One Generation Away From Extinction
We were out as a family at a church movie night. The pastor was offering a free ice cream cone to the kid who answered his question correctly. It was based on Romans 12:2: “How does a person renew his or her mind?” Of course, the hands went up including my 12-year-old daughter’s and 17-year-old […]